Young Adults

Our heart is to serve a generally overlooked and forgotten about age group,18-26. They are straight out of high school and youth group (or college) but not quite ready to join the older adults in ministry. This age group statistically has the highest rate of people leaving the church and faith as well so we want to have a renewed focus on this crucial season for many young adults. Our desire is to build solid community for young adults (18-26) where they can relate to each other, build each other up and encourage one another in Christ.

Our Vision

To be a community of young adults for disciples, fellowship, and outreach. 

Our mission

Meeting as a Christ-centered community to grow through the discussion and application of biblical principles, sharing fun life experiences, and loving and serving people.


When: Second Sunday every Month after second service.

Where: Mission Hill Church

Sunday School

When: Sunday Mornings 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM

Where: Mission Hill Church, Room A4

Reach out to us through the form below for more information, to get to know us, or to join our mailing list for more specific information on upcoming events!