Bible Strong

We are a church that loves digging into God’s Word deeply and letting it shape and mold our hearts. The Bible is where we go to find truth. It’s where we look to understand God and the world around us. We believe the Bible is without error in its original manuscripts. We believe it is authoritative, God breathed, and relevant to our daily lives. We as a church see the Bible from Genesis to Revelation as one grand story of how a loving God is redeeming mankind.

Multiplying Culture

We are committed to making disciples that make disciples and planting churches that plant churches.  Disciplemaking is the micro that leads to the macro of church planting.  We invest our time, energy and resources into seeing disciples made in every area of our church.  The goal for every leader in our church is to work themselves out of  a job by making disciples.  When we talk about discipleship we don’t just mean the transfer of knowledge.  We are talking about life on life discipleship.  We are talking about modeling, training, and apprenticing.   We believe we are to do first then teach.  We don’t ask those we are pouring into to do things we aren’t first willing to do. 

Gospel - Centered

We see the Bible as one grand story of God redeeming mankind from their sin and rebellion.  The Gospel is the good news of God creating the earth and mankind. The bad news is we sinned and rebelled against our loving Creator.  God sent His son, Jesus to come and live among us and redeem all mankind.  Jesus lived the perfect life we couldn’t live and died the death we should have died paying the price for our rebellion.  Jesus then rose from the dead,  conquering sin and death.  This story, this Jesus this truth of redeeming love and forgiveness, is the only thing that can transform man’s heart.  It’s because of this story that we, dead in our sins, can be made alive in Christ. 

Theological Distinctives

Gospel-Centered Theology

God is the initiator of Salvation and Jesus is the Hero. God doesn’t respond to us – we respond to God’s initiative and calling. He saves and secures us for salvation and we respond only because of and by his grace. Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, ascension and sending of the Spirit are the center and fulfillment of our faith. It is through him, because of him and in him that we come to be God’s people, are transformed and have hope for final restoration.

Sacrificial Generosity

Pastor and author Tim Keller says, “If we do not have a heart to be generous, we have never understood the gospel.” You can’t out give a God who sent His one, His only, His best. That’s exactly what God did when he sent his son Jesus to this earth.  We believe that is the same kind of sacrificial generosity that God is calling us to as well. We desire to be generous with every good thing God has blessed us with.  We want to be generous with our time, our resources, our money, and especially in our sharing of the Gospel. To be a church that makes disciples and plants churches, we know it will require us to give sacrificially in all of these areas for us to have the kind of impact on our community and world that God desires for us.

High View Of Scripture

We believe that Scripture is the authoritative and life-giving word of God Himself.  We affirm the divine inspiration, truthfulness and authority of both Old and New Testament Scriptures in their entirety as the only written word of God, without error in all that it affirms, and the only infallible rule of faith and practice. We believe the story of Scripture centers upon the redemption of Jesus Christ, and His work in humanity. We also believe that it is the work of the Spirit as He illuminates our minds and hearts to perceive truth in His word.

Already-Not-Yet Eschatology

We believe the Kingdom of God was inaugurated in Jesus’ first coming and will be consummated in his second coming. We live in the in-between where we can experience the reign of Jesus while longing for its completion as we also experience the reality that things are not yet fully as they will be within the new heaven and new earth. We acknowledge the variety of views within inaugurated eschatology and allow for this variety within our family.


We believe the church is the family of God sent by the Spirit to make disciples of Jesus to all nations throughout the world. We are saved by God’s power for God’s purpose to bring him glory in all things wherever we are. The church is always being sent by God to accomplish his mission.

Our Denomination

Mission Hill belongs to the Brethren in Christ U.S. (BIC U.S.) denomination. Visit bicus.org or click below to learn more about our denomination’s beliefs and core values.

Charismatic Pneumatology

We believe the Holy Spirit is alive and active in regeneration, empowerment, and ongoing filling for the purposes of God in this world. We believe all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are still available today, but not one of them in particular is required to give evidence of the baptism or filling of the Spirit.